Just Set Short Term Goals In Life And Make That.. Your Dream!
Ginny Kohli - A lady who is a pioneer in wedding planning and making it big for every couple.
What came into your mind when you thought of starting 'WEDWISE'?
I graduated in 2009 with an Electronic and Computer engineering degree from the UK and worked as a design engineer for almost two years for Trent1000 and BR725 engines of Rolls Royce in the UK. I moved back to India in 2010 and joined my father's business but I soon realised that running a business is a different ball game and I was only a techie. So, I studied MBA, and joined Groupon India in 2012 and worked with them as a consultant for two and a half years. While I was working in Groupon, I realised that there is a gap in the industry when weddings are concerned and started 'WEDWISE'.
What is 'WEDWISE' all about and how does it work ?
'WEDWISE' acts as an aggregator in the space between the buyer and the seller. We personally don't plan weddings ourselves, we try and reach out to right kind of vendors for a client when they are looking to plan a wedding. We do this in 2 different ways: First platform that we provide is our online community which is on facebook with over 50000 members. This is a platform where we allow buyers and sellers to interact on a daily basis and a lot of mentorship is provided on our community by us and other members through real-time recommendations. Our second platform is our Youtube Series- on WedWise TV where we showcase the videos that lay foundation of easing the process of wedding planning in India. . We also extend our services to offer marketing consultancy to vendors for more visibility and growth through digital mediums.
What are the obstacles that you faced ?
Biggest obstacle was to bring vendors from all categories under one roof to share their stories and interact with one another. Moreover, there is a lot of competition in this segment but what keeps my business uplifted is that we are not only B 2 C but also B 2 B where we share the stories of our vendors which inspires other vendors to work harder. Our facebook platform also doubles up as a zero commission marketplace and allows home-run and small scale business owners to showcase their work free of cost and reach the target audience.
Is Financial knowledge important for every woman ?
Financial Knowledge & independence is very important for every woman I today’s age. There are various resources available online which women must go read/apply to kick start their financial knowledge and take decisions for themselves & their family.
I believe that in order to be successful, one should not have any excuses. As IBM CEO Ginni Rometty once rightly said – “ Growth & Comfort cannot co-exist” , I believe one needs to step put of their comfort zone to understand their strengths and work towards achieving the impossible.
“Just set short term goals in life and make that.. your dream!”