Everyone looks forward to investing in top funds to get the best returns. But, MF investors must understand that these are market linked funds and Market is volatile in nature. Thus the top position will vary from one fund to another. So you must invest in Top-Performing Funds that have given consistent performances and not just in temporary Top-Ranked Funds.
Simply put, any fund can be on the top charts by taking a calculated risk; but at the same time, it is also a plausible fact that the same fund may not be on the top for the second time in the following year. So, if you stick to the idea of investing only in top ranked funds then you will end up switching companies every now and then.
To select a top fund, you must analyze its past record over a span of time. Don't remain confined to checking its position only on your date of investment. Bajaj Capital is here to help you with the same.
We maintain a detailed database for the performance of all the Mutual Funds. Using our real-time updated NAV Feeds, you can track down upto 15 top performing funds.
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