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Powerhouse of information for all mutual funds
MF fund barometer content
What is Fund Barometer?

The Fund Barometer is a collation of all the information you would ever need on various mutual funds. All schemes are divided on the basis of their category. You can learn about things such as:


1.  Fund size

2.  NAV

3.  Return over different time periods

4.  Exit load, etc.

    Benefits of Fund Barometer?

    1.  All information available in one place

    2.  Comprehensive analysis of different schemes

    3.  Easier comparison of schemes

      How to use it?

      1.  The first page gives you different types of funds.

      2.  Clicking on any category takes you to the respective pages with a list of available schemes

      3.  You get all the information against each scheme.

      4.  Summary page gives you a snapshot of schemes.

      5.  You can refer the glossary page to understand the jargons better

        MF fund barometer meta tags
        Meta Title
        Mutual Funds Barometer India – MF Types, Best/Highest Returns, Dividend
        Meta Description
        Check-out our Fund Barometer. It is the single window power house of information for all the Mutual Funds.
        Meta Keyword
        Mutual Funds Barometer India – MF Types, Best/Highest Returns, Dividend