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Strengthen your bond with your money

What is a bond?

A bond is a debt security, in which the authorised issuer – company, financial institution, or Government, offers regular or fixed payment of interest in return for the money borrowed by the said issuer. It is for a certain period of time.

Bajaj CapitalHow do bonds work?
  • When you purchase a bond, the authorised issuer borrows money from you for a fixed period of time.

  • This money earns you a predetermined interest rate at regular intervals.

  • The principal amount is repaid at the end of the maturity period.

Bajaj CapitalHow are bonds different from stock
  • Bond holders are lenders whereas stock holders are owners in the firm/organisation/company.

  • Bonds have a defined term of maturity while stocks have no fixed time period.

Securities investments are subject to risks. Please read the Offer Document/Prospectus, the issue terms and conditions, carefully before taking any investment decision.

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Investment in Bonds in India – How to Invest Online – Start Here
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Bond refers to a security issued by a Company, Financial Institution or Government, which offers regular or fixed payment of interest in return for borrowed money for a certain period of time.
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Investment in Bonds in India – How to Invest Online – Start Here