Credit cards
Know What Is Credit Card and How It Works
An Introduction to credit card
A credit card comes in the form of plastic card which lets you access your credit limit through an ATM machine. A credit limit is assigned to you by your bank as per your spending capacity. A credit limit is like a loan. However instead of giving you the whole loan in one go, banks allows you to use your limit as per your need.
What to Do When You Forget Your Credit Card Bill Due Date
It happens with mostly all of us that we miss some important dates in day to day life. Similarly if you find out that your credit card bill due date was 1st of the month and it is already 3rd. Or you just checked that a late fee has been assessed in your credit card statement for a payment that you made late. This usually happen with many of us. So, if we act quickly then this damage can be controlled.
Applying for a Credit Card? Your Odds of Being Approved
On the whole, the approval rate of credit cards is less than 50%. Credit card approval depends on certain factors like your credit score which is the most important factor, then your annual income and also the city in which you are living.
Forget your credit card bill due date?
It happens with mostly all of us that we miss some important dates in day to day life. Similarly, if you find out that your credit card bill due date was 1st of the month and it is already 3rd. Or you just checked that a late fee has been assessed in your credit card statement for a payment that you made late. This usually happens with many of us. So, if we act quickly then this damage can be controlled.